Clear queue? UL Batch: L:ist, U:pload, R:emove, C:lear, Q:uit : Gender : Phone No. : Location : Real Name : Name : How tall is your screen (lines, =24) ? How wide is your screen (chars, =80) ? closest to it (ie, 512Ke -> Plus). Enter your computer type, or the Known computer types: Year you were born: 19 Day of month you were born (1-31) : Month you were born (1-12) : in the correct format. Please enter a valid phone number Your gender (M,F) : You must enter your first name. Enter your VOICE phone no. in the form: Enter your VOICE phone number. Enter the city and state you are calling from. Enter your REAL first name. I'm sorry, you can't use that name. Enter your full REAL name. Enter your full name, or your alias. New User Password : MM/DD/YY Enter new limiting date in the format : Directory not available. You can't access the transfer section. You must maintain a post/call ratio of section before entering the transfer section. You must read or post in the message This is both a messages and a files board. You have 10 seconds to press a key before auto-disconnecting. Cannot download locally. Sorry, your ratio is too low. Not enough time left. Hang up after transfer? No files in batch queue. DL Batch: L:ist, D:ownload, R:emove, C:lear, Q:uit : /U : List users online /H : This menu /X : Exit Multi Node Chat Chat Room Commands Users Online: Exiting chat room... Scanning Forum not available. Mail forwarded. No such user. You can't forward mail to yourself. That is a deleted user. Forward item to Mail {?} : Hit return, or enter number Log off? Chat call turned ON. Calling sysop... Chat call turned off. Use feedback instead. Sysop not available. Reason: Forwarded From: Saving... Aborted. Workspace text inserted. Enter user's name or number. No externals available. Which external (Q=Quit) ? Available Externals: Is this OK? Anonymous? Enter auto-message, 3 lines: Scan for new public messages to you? Read your mail now? minutes, time limited. Node shutting down in read your message on